This calulator converts Degrees Minutes Seconds to Decimal Degrees, or Decimal Degrees to Degrees Minutes Seconds

Note that latitude or longitude references are sometimes given in the format (for example) S33 30.317 E150 22.052. GPS readings are often outputted in this format.

Here the Seconds are displayed as a decimal and must be converted to a number by multiplying by 60. The resultant number will always be between 0 and 60.

S33 30.317 must be calculated out as 33 (degrees) 30 (minutes) 0.317 * 60 (seconds) to become -33 30 19.02

E150 22.052 must be calculated out as 150 (degrees) 22 (minutes) 0.052 * 60 (seconds) to become 150 22 3.12

Note that for the Southern hemisphere, degrees latitude must be prefixed with a minus (-) sign.

In this calculator, -33 30 19.02 150 22 3.12 will be converted to the decimal latitude/longitudinal values of -33.505283 150.367533

Conversely, -33.505283 150.367533 will be converted to-33' 30" 19.02o 150" 22' 3.12o when the Convert to Degrees Minutes Seconds option is chosen.